Chalom Cher Rav Voici une explication de l antisemitisme chretien ce que les chretiens véhiculent contre les juifs. Il est utile de savoir pour bien comprendre / Ce DOCUMENTAIRE choquera tout “chrétien” qui s’est judaïsé et embrassé les traditions juives kol tov rivka
Shalom à tous !
Cher Rav,
L’allégorie que vous utilisez pour faire admettre que les Sages d’Israël détiennent des secrets dans la compréhension de la Torah qui sont source de vie et qui ne sont réservés qu’aux Juifs connaissant l’hébreu est osée mais juste je crois. D’où, dites-vous , l’intérêt que suscite à nouveau cette connaissance parmi les non-juifs dit chrétiens qui font un retour à la Torah dont on les a privés pendant des siècles, afin de retrouver vigueur et guérison. Il y a dans l’évangile de Matthieu, une histoire parabolique qui raconte qu’une femme non juive (cananéenne) insiste auprès de Yeshoua pour obtenir la délivrance de sa fille possédée. Yeshoua la repousse en lui disant : « Ne savez-vous pas que je suis venue pour les brebis perdues de la Maison d’Israël ? » et la sermonne en lui disant « Il n’est pas bien de prendre le pain des enfants pour le donner aux petits chiens ». La femme insiste et réplique « Oui Seigneur mais les petits chiens mangent les miettes qui tombent de la table de leurs maîtres ».
Cette histoire au premier degré sans doute (le pchat) a aussi une interprétation au niveau du remetz.
Autrement dit, j’affirme : « ceux qui ne sont pas Juifs, élevés dans la culture juive, connaissant l’hébreu pas seulement au niveau de la lettre mais aussi de l’esprit » n’ont globalement QUE les miettes de la compréhension des mystères cachés de la Torah. Refuser de l’admettre est à la racine de l’antisémitisme par la jalousie que cette prise de position suscite. » C’est un fait : il y a une élection, une alliance d’Achem faite d’abord avec un homme, Abraham (Genèse 17:1-27), puis sans cesse renouvelée en passant par David (Psaume 89 :1-19) et Jacob (Genèse 35:12) pour aboutir à toute la Nation d’Israël. Alliances plusieurs fois rompues par Israël mais non brisées par Achem.
ET mon propos est de dire que, si plusieurs chrétiens sont poussés à revenir vers la Torah, c’est parce que, quelque part, ils ont quelque chose à voir avec une des 10 tribus perdues, provoquées par le schisme à la mort de Salomon. C’est une promesse d’Achem de les ramener pour reconstituer toute la Maison d’Israël (f. Ezechiel 37, Amos, Jérémie, etc.
Maintenant, revenir à la Torah, ne signifie pas nécessairement embrasser le Judaïsme orthodoxe ou une de ses branches, qui place la Torah orale des rabbins au même niveau que la Torah de Moshé et refuse par aileurs de prendre en considération la portée de la mission et du message de Yeshoua, venu il est vrai la première fois, non pas en tant que fils de David (donc le Machiah) mais en tant que Fils de Joseph (ben Yosef), ce qu’il était d’ailleurs physiquement. Le grand malentendu vient aussi de là. Un chrétien qui revient à la Torah a pour obligation de respecter les ordonnances décrites dans Lévitiques 23 au sujet du Chabbat et des Fêtes de l’Eternel (qui ne sont devenues les fêtes juives que parce que tous les autres les ont abandonnées).
J’ai écouté par ailleurs la vidéo signalée : c’est un tissu d’horreurs, de mensonges, d’ignorances et de déformations des écrits de Paul à qui, décidément, on aura fait dire toute chose et son contraire.
Pourtant le rabbin Paul n’a jamais renié ses origines juives.
Bonjour! Cher Rav
Je ne trouve décidément plus les mots pour exprimer toute ma reconnaissance à Hachem tellement à la fois la simplicité et la profondeur de vos cours est à en couper le souffle..!Enfin les véritables clés de compréhension!!!…Ceci_dit , trois versets me remontent : « … Les nations se tourneront vers lui. » (Isaïe 11:10)
« En ces jours-là, dix hommes de toute langue, de toute nation, saisiront le pan de l’habit d’un seul individu juif en disant : Nous voulons aller avec vous car nous avons entendu dire que Dieu est avec vous ! » (Zacharie 8:23).
« Je gratifierai les peuples d’un idiome épuré, pour que tous invoquent le nom de l’Éternel et l’adorent d’un cœur unanime. » (Sophonie 3:9).
Et encore MERCI! pour vôtre MERITE et ceux de vos élèves dont le nombre ne cesse d’augmenter !
Les grands maîtres disent: « Laisse nous accueillir notre juste Messie ». Tous se mettent à dire:
« le Messie sera juste ». Mais non, c’est pas ça que ça veut dire. Juste ne s’accorde pas avec Machia’h
dans la phrase, même si l’on sait que l’Eternel ne va quand même pas nous faire le coup
de nous envoyer un Messie au rabais. C’est pas ça que ça veut dire. Juste, se rapporte à Hachem.
Cela veut dire, que, dans sa justice infinie, le bon Dieu va dire: « Il est juste que je choisisse celui-là,
parce que c’est lui que j’ai vu parmi les fils de mon peuple ». Juste est qualificatif de choix.
Pas qualificatif de Machia’h. Même s’il est clair que le Machia’h sera « un juste parmi les justes ».
Bleu pour Israël
blanc pour ishmael (le monde musulman)
rouge pour edom ( le monde occidental)
bleu blanc rouge…. la france est toujours là!!!
confirmé par le prophète Ovadia
TAZRIA 2, April 26 2017.
We are today on Nissan 30, April 26, and we continue the course begun yesterday.
As said right before, the Parasha (weekly reading) mainly speaks of two subjects that look unrelated to each other.
Yesterday’s subject was « tumma » that a woman giving birth contracts. The question was obvious to ask how you can get into a problematic difficult situation by giving life ? Namely « impurity » (see yesterday’s lesson), that recalls a problem anyway, as we explained, impurity is an inaccurate translation of the real sense of tumma – indeed a stoppering, a blocking, an enclosure, problems, deregulation, psychologic and psychic.
The question was therefore « how can someone giving life get into a problematic situation ? »
The answer was that, as all lives are affected by this issue with selfishness, with being enclosed in onself, with this disconnexion from the real divine project (building the world), so that finally all ones become prisoners of their own personal interests, of their ego’s, of what is good to them and them only (obviously according to their own definition of what is good and what is not). This is the reason why, each time that a mother gives birth to a child, she increases the world’s problem in a way, as this is a selfish man more, a profitter more, a new problem in the world!
Of course all nuances are still possible, from the most selfish monster to the most refined and generous – however, the Torah gives us the great message that, until the final deliverance, each creature is, whatever the way, enclosed inside a « klippa » (« bark »), that is the cult of ego.
Of course you have to watch and understand yesterday’s course well so as to understand what was already explained in a more detailed way.
After this point, the most important part of the Parasha (about nine tenths) seems to skip to a completely different subject that is the « Sara’at »!
So, as each year, I will remind the subject – as within one year many new pupils engrafted themselves to the site, who didn’t have any opportunity to listen to last year’s lesson, or last years’es lessons.
Here too, a technical precision is required, unfortunately obliging to repeat these same notions. Here again we are facing a « translation », forgery that completely falsifies and even destroys the meaning of the text – as in most languages « metsorah » is translated as « leper ». We explain, according to the translation, that all points we will read in the Parasha, that all these problems of skin, of skin de-coloring symptoms, are namely leper – and modern medicine cures leper like any other disease, with medicine’s tools and ways, so that people won’t visit any priest for this.
But here comes the Torah telling that someone having « leper » will have to visit the Cohen to obtain the cure and step through a completely metaphysical process without relation to any physical disease we know today.
Of course, by translating « tsara’a » as « leper », the text becomes a surrealistic chimera that discredits completely the Torah. But the problem is not in the Torah, just in the translation. Indeed tsara’a is absolutely not leper nor any disease in the medical sense : it is something really metaphysical and supernatural without relation to any concrete and precise physical problem that medicine could explain, monitor and cure. It is indeed a loss of color of the skin that causes no physical issue : no fever nor pain, you feel exactly the same as other people who don’t have this loss of color of the skin.
Facing this problem that the Torah immediately describes as the revealer of a far deeper issue, more metaphysical, spiritual and moral than physical, automatically the process to obtain recovering won’t be to visit the doctor, but the Cohen!
Not the one who knows and cures the body, but the ones who knows and cures the soul.
This is simple to understand as soon as you have caught that the problem is not physical.
This allows you to figure out another process than hospital and chemicals : rather a metaphysical process instead. This is the first common point with the beginning of the reading that spoke of the tumma of a woman giving birth) in the whole Parasha. It is the same here. This is a loss of skin colors, that can be as small as the circle you can make with your thumb and index, that moves to white instead of natural pink or red tendency : skin gets its color because of the blood that flows under it, and at the place where the tsara’a is, things get as if blood had stopped flowing under this mark.
(You can notice that a very old person can get white too, as the blood circulation is so different from younger ages, when you still have full vitality and strengths : this is why the period of having a colorful skin corresponds esssentially to youth and strong adult’s age. As years go by and the person gets weaker and immobilizes himself, he gets always whiter, signing the absence of blood vitality that gives precisely this strength, youth and energy).
So this can happen to anyone at full strength age : 20, 30, 25… All of a sudden, at a place of the body, this mark appears as if it warned about a blood issue there – once again a spiritual blood issue, as physically speaking, they won’t feel any physical change.
So, if the Torah didn’t say a word about this, they would say « Hey, what a funny small white stain I have… Okay never mind ». They would possibly scratch a bit with soap, even ask for an advice, and noticing that it won’t get off, they would live with this without any problem as this won’t diminish anyone.
But the Torah immediately explains that the white stain is a sign that brings out a blood problem, that is the cause of the stain, and that it is meant to warn you about an issue you have in your blood, your vitality. The problem is not physical once again, but metaphysical, spiritual, moral, in conformity to the course begun yesterday.
This is why the effect of this loss of color isn’t related to fever nor to any weakening but to some tumma!
It proves your situation of a « tamei » man, enclosed in a « klippa », a bark that encloses you inside of yourself, creating stoppers and blockings that disconnect, that cut you, from the oustide world : a withdrawal inside of yourself up to the moment when there is nothing else left than « You and you and you » alone.
The result, as Torah bring it out, is that until this moral, spiritual and metaphysical illness gets cured through the effects of the relation with the Cohen, the person will have to live alone, isolated – maybe the points about « skin » and « isolation » led the translaters to interpret the word as « leper ».
This isolation is without relation to contamination nor epidemy : it just underscores the fact that you are a man living alone inside of yourself, just caring about yourself only, and this is a way to translate your current state by obliging you to get away from the world, away from the community, to show clearly your psychological situation, as even when you were living in your home, in your town, indeed you were living all alone really. We talked of this yesterday, here comes again the comparison with this family at the restaurant, each one with their mobile phones, Facebook, my thousands of « friends », living in an unimaginable loneliness! Not because you live among a community that you necessarily are a person who communicates, a social man, who has exchanges, who gives and receives. You can be fundamentally alone even living in the semblance of a communal life. Precisely, when these stains appear, it is like something wants man to get aware of his real situation, as he is fundamentally alone and lives fundamentally for himself, and we isolate him to help him realize this.
So, to sum up this point, that is just the preparation to the lesson, indeed this so-called metsora, is just a man whom The Master of the world wants to save. As we already said yesterday, the very nature and essence of man in this world is to be tamei, to live inside himself and just care for himself, and as soon as this self-caring gets exagerated when the only thing left is « Me and me and me », then the mental state is called « tumma » by the Torah.
Each creature in the essence of its nature cares about itself – nothing more.
A man, still caring about himself, who would watch the world around with sincere authentic eyes, wouldn’t be considered tamei by the Torah ; but when a man lives only for himself and uses the world around only to serve his interests, then he is called so by the Torah. This state is how the world, civilizations and History, all populations and nations, are living since the world’s creation, in an overwhelming majority. And every eon of time, comes a single man who is not tamei, sincerely caring about the world, who sincerely acts for it – without any idea of personal interest, of personal earning, of glory nor personal success.
So the world is in a state of tumma, and when the Torah speaks of white stains and isolation, it explains how to save man from this situation. Because as long as the stains don’t appear and you don’t force him to dwell isolated, the man is in this tumma state but unaware of it. As we know well, in an asylum for madmen, no one thinks he is mad, as there are only people like himself. This abolishes normal landmarks to help him finding anything different and to know where he is. In a world where tumma’s selfishness is the norm, in a life lived for oneself, why should I get different from the others ? In other words, as long as these stains don’t appear and that the curing process does not start, there is no way for anyone to figure out in what state the world is currently.
So this is the point of this second and longest part of the Parasha. In a simple language full of imagery, we can see a simple man who has white stains visiting a Cohen, asks for a solution, the Cohen asks him to isolate, he will check his skin one week later… You can read the verses, but anyway I give you the key to understand these : the Torah is explaining the whole world’s healing process!
This is why our professors even tell that this Parasha contains all the process that will lead to the final deliverance. Our professors call this parsha « Tazria » : « the Parasha of final deliverance »!
So, in a way and as I often explain, if you read the parasha without the keys, you will find it unpleasant, as it speaks of things that bore us really, that are not understandable, where there is no landmark and that proposes no possible comparison to any situation of today. And as I often remind, precisely the biblical chapters the least interesting, the most difficult to catch, the most metaphysical, are indeed the ones that concern our actuality and our reality, our present, our future and destiny the most. But the message is coded so much, that without key you will never bring it out.
Our professors teach that this Parasha contains all the secrets of human History until the final deliverance. The first part speaks of human History with the tumma, the being enclosed in oneself, and the second part speaks in an extremely hidden way of the whole process that leads to the final deliverance.
Of course we will try to decypher the essential, keeping in mind that years of study couldn’t be enough time to really reach, even at some distance, the notions hidden in these verses.
One of the really interesting points, is that our professors, in a text of the Talmud, explain us that by asking a question that sounds inapprehensible : « Where is the mashia’h ? » – they say : « At Rome’s doors, in the middle of a group of metzora’im ». (For the anecdote, the unimaginable word of this christian explanation that tells us that the mashia’h is « in the middle of lepers »… As of course the first x-tians took this text, they misunderstood it, mistranslated, confused « metsora » with « leper », and from this came the legend of x-sus among the lepers! To a Jew who can read Hebrew, this sounds so grotesque that it makes you feel pity for them and their ignorance).
So, what our professors mean ? As the text anyway exists, and that it is all but about lepers, as a metsora is not a leper… They mean that the mashia’h’s worry is to free the world from this prison where it enclosed itself : the cult of ego. Why do our professors say that the mashia’h is among a group of metzoraim at Rome’s doors ? More than two thousands years ago, this was the early beginning of the Roman Empire that would one day found the western civilization. Our professors had already seen all that would happen, were already able to define the Roman civilization and all that would come out of it as being the very symbol of the cult of ego, of the civilization whose final goal is the cult of ego.
It is tempting to reply that here is the nature of mankind anyway and that all civilization were like this one, as I also told yesterday. But as I also specified, it depends on the level : from the bottom to the top. The civilization that deserves the palm of the cult of ego and enclosure in oneself, is the western civilization born from the Roman one.
The proof : you would never have imagined 50 years before, or 60, and no need to say, 200 years, and even more so if you are from another civilization, that one day, a family could gather around a table without anyone speaking to the other, each one in their own world, even not remembering that they’re sitting just beside their father, mother, wife or children. As today, when, in a same family, each one gets in their own corner, having their private television in each bedroom, even in the toilets if « needed », and if they are in the same room, each one with their own mobile phone or computer, their own Facebook and its « virtual friends », where man got more isolated than ever in any other civilization, lonely, and happy in this loneliness : don’t disturb, I’m am on my phone.
Of course the world was always selfish – but the world yet hadn’t developped the tools required to express in the most despicable way this selfishness that is in man. But today’s technological progress allowed man to make all this potential of selfishness gush forth, by creating a world where each and everyone is alone and no one seeks any authentic contact or dialog with the other, as all ones feel fundamentally happy to be alone, as « how could you be happier than alone in front of a screen ? »
Our professors had already understood two thousands years before, that Rome would be the civilization that would push the cult of the ego to the extreme.
In another text (older than two thousands years too), they reveal that when Yaakov had his dream with the ladder, he saw all civilizations get up and up, then down again – except the Roman civilization, that got up and never got down, that frightened him. The Master of the world reassured him : « Don’t worry : I will make it get down myself ». How to understand this text ? All civilizations reached a certain level in the cult of evil, but still at a level you can reach, understand and define, then it gets down : it is still in the domain of the human understanding. But the Roman civilization would reach such a level in evil, that escapes completely to any understanding, so much that Yaakov cannot see it get down : how high will it get up ? How high can you go ? Only The Master of the world can break down this civilization, as the cult of ego will reach unimaginable levels.
This understanding human History predicted by Israeli professors about two thousand and two hundred years ago, as Rome was indeed like a newborn baby, has let them give us the definition of Rome : a group of metzoraim at Rome’s doors. This civilization is the champion of producing the tzara’at, this loss of color of the skin that brings out the cult of ego. And all the job of the mashia’h will be to be inside of this world and to cure it.
But anyway, let us come back to the point I began to explain : the emergence of white stains, and the beginning of the isolation process featuring a contact with the Cohen, are all positive signs proving that a healing process has begun.
This is what our professors tell in another way when they say that the mashia’h is « in the middle » of the lepers’es group : the repairer is there ! (Of course, not lepers litterally but metsoraim as I explained).
The worst that could happen, would be to be tamei and not to be aware!
I often tell this story reported by Rabbi Na’hman of Breslev, so once again… of this king who calls his confidant and tells him they have to write on their foreheads « I am mad ». The confidant asks why, and the king replies that he made a dream (and all his dreams came true), where all ones would get crazy. He adds « But I want us to write on our foreheads « I am mad ». » The advisor asks confirmation if all ones will really get mad, including both of them. As the king confirms, the man gets even more stunned about the need to write this on their foreheads, as anyway they would be mad. The king replies that there is a huge difference, as when they would look at each other, they would remember that they are mad, as the others won’t know about their own state. As long as they would know about their madness, they could keep some hope to come back to normality. As when a madman thinks he is normal, how could he ever begin any healing process ?
So once again, the worst would be a world without the signs of the tsara’at, as this loss of color of the skin can bring out my problem, leading me to seek a Cohen to cure my soul as I am aware. If not, I am dead.
So the Torah here teaches us that one day will come in the History of Rome, of the western civilization, when sudden white stains will appear, that will make the western civilization get aware of its isolation, and of its disconnection from the world and its sense. When this will appear, they will accept to consult a Cohen for healing, and this is how they will get cured.
This text therefore alludes to Rome’s tikun (« reparation »), ‘Esav’s tikun : the return of the western civilization to The real G’od.
And who is the Cohen ? Obviously Israel! As we know, Israel is called « a nation of Cohanim » : « ve atem tiyu mamlekhet cohanim » (« you will be for Me a nation of cohanim »).
As the Cohen is Israel, and the man with the stains who accepts his problem and gets to the Cohen is the western culture, and all the healing process is the final deliverance. This is therefore a fabulous and extraordinary text : absolutely incredible!
Of course, there is a nuance to add that is fundamental. When I say that the Cohen who heals is Israel, I don’t speak at all of today’s Israel, as Israel as we can see it right now is as ill as any other one.
As western civilization penetrated and infiltrated completely and spread into the nation of Israel and the Jewish people, it is obvious that there is now as many ill men than anywhere else! When we speak of the Cohen who will heal, we speak of those only ones among the Jewish people, who have become Cohanim able to save the world as they have the Torah – the real one. And they will begin with saving their own people, that is extremely ill in a so logical way after two thousands years of exile, of confrontation, and relations with Rome and the western world! You won’t get into water and stay dry, nor approach a source of heat and not feel any heat : you cannot live for two thousand years beside Rome and not to be ill like Rome.
The difference between Rome and Israel being that Rome does not have the Torah, and has therefore no possibility to cure itself.
Israel has the Torah, and has Cohanim within, that is men able to save the world. And before the final deliverance, and during all its process, always more non-Jews, western people, almost exclusively x-istians, will realize that Israel features Cohanim (in the deep sense of the word) and will go to them so as to be helped in their attempt to make it out. And the Cohanim of the Jewish people will open themselves, turn themselves towards the whole mankind and cure it. They will begin the job, and the one who will finish it is the mashia’h, by definition.
Now you can see how this text, once you know how to read it, predicted things that our generation can see happening, as we know, by thousands, even tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands and even millions already today, everywhere in the world, some sons and daughters of the West, are turning their heads to Israel’s Cohanim and beginning the healing process with them.
We are therefore facing something really incredible, but a question is still pending : in History and actuality, what is this loss of color of the skin ? As this is a metaphor, an image in the biblical text, but we now have to translate this metaphoric image into the historical and actual dynamic. What is this whiteness which, in a way, is the sign of the problem ? As the whiteness, once again, is not the cause that creates the problem : it just highlights it! Since as long as this whiteness stays hidden, you cannot realize your illness and consult a Cohen! You would keep on your western life, your « Métro-Boulot-Dodo » (working week routine), your mass on Sunday mornings, your trifecta on Sunday afternoons, your working six days a week : Métro-Boulot-Dodo! And if you speak of a Cohen, you will reply : « What ? Yids ? We know them! »
But the one who will see this white stain, will understand that finally the « Yid » is the only one who will save him and the world.
So, what is this white stain in History ? It alludes to a loss of vitality, of energy, that our professors explain since centuries in extremely ancient texts : why is there a stain on this spot in particular ? The white loss of color of the skin is there to make you understand that the blood has difficulties to flow there, it makes it differently, after having lost its real vitality, leading the skin to whiten.
So, what is the concrete meaning ? At a very simple level, that concerns the waking up of the West as well as of each man, Jew or not in daily life… You realize that you are badly engaged on a wrong way only with an unpredicted event that shakes and shocks you, that makes you collapse and allows you this way to think back and ask yourself where you are. But as long as the machine works correctly and does not lock, who will figure out that there can be any problem ?
The halt of this dynamic allows you to ask yourself questions. Translation is therefore very simple : as soon as the western civilization will begin to lose some of its vitality, energy, forces, certainty, and pride, always more men and women will wake up and ask where they are going!
The same way, as soon as the western civilization will begin to collapse and that the first signs of its disappearance will emerge, when it will lose its « blood », in the sense of vitality, and also alas in the real sense (wars, destructions, poured blood with the first and the second world wars), then only the western world will realize for the first time of its History, that salvation comes from the Jews.
My friends, I feel so emotioned as I simply translate texts dated of milleniums ago but as I am with you, at the same time, witness of the veracity of these texts – since until World War II, the apogee of hate and disdain, of the absolute denial (we are now a few days after Yom HaShoah), of refusing totally the idea of a possible spark of good among the Jews, concluding two thousand years of hate with the crematory ovens. And precisely when you reach the apogee of hate, immediately Israel gets born! The world discovers with stupefaction that Jews are all but what people believed, that they are able within a few years to make a real earthly paradise spout from a desert, brilliant in all fields, beginning to export sciences, patents, technologies in all fields, a people coming back to its identity like no other one anywhere on Earth, And chiefly : the waking up of nations in all languages! English, Spanish, French (and about French I am among the witnesses)…
Thousands of people… tens, hundreds of thousands of people, not only that they are not Jews, but many x-tians, catholics, protestants, evangelists, who supplicate professors of Israel to teach them the Torah. This is the message hidden in the Parasha since milleniums!
And why in our time precisely ? Because the West lost so much blood already (WW I & II and all wars that happened before, and fear of a third world war that would be the very last one as there wouldn’t be any world after it…). The western world is realizing that its ideology finally led it and the whole mankind to the edge of the abyss. And this losing skin color means that the West is realizing how all those energies it used to own led it to this edge of the abyss and of disappearance. The western world is now vanishing, and those among this world who are fair and sincere enough to recognize their mistake finally understand that the population the most contempted and destroyed by the western and x-tian world ever is precisely the one able to save it. And this is what we are living today! This is the sense of the loss of color of the skin.
When the western world will get aware that it is reaching its end, then more and more men and women of x-tian origin will turn their faces to Israel’s Cohanim. Just stunning!
There is another explanation, I will finish with this one. It completes the first one, but with a modern and historical envelop even more concrete.
There are two symbolic colors in the Torah that are related to two types of biblical figures and civilizations at the same time. The red and the white.
The red as we know is ‘Esav’s color (according to the biblical models and codes founders of the western civilization : he was born « admoni » (red-haired). The red is, according to Biblical codes, the color of the West.
The white – according to our profesors – is the color of Yishmael : the color of islam.
Among biblical figures, the white is related to Lavan : he was called « the white ». « Lavan » being the coded name of a character who, according to our professors, will become the precursor of islam. Of course I should give a huge amount of hours to teach what hides behind these colorful codes : « white, red, Lavan, ‘Esav »… For now we don’t have the time so I just share with you the results, our professors’es conclusions : the white alludes to Yishmael, islam, and red to ‘Esav, the West.
And now please watch the wonder of this explanation : when a body colored with a red tint as the blood flows there, haswhite stains appearing all of a sudden, then the West will wake up and find the Cohanim to be saved. When the West will be infiltrated and invaded by a new civilization that has strictly no intention to become western and x-tian, but that has the firm and determined intention to make a new islam out of the West, and the West will feel the imminence of its end as it cannot step backwards anymore and millions and millions of muslims (including a huge part who intends to tranform the West into a new islam) will result in multiple white stains everywhere on its body, then hundreds of thousands of western men and women will turn their face to Cohanim and Israel to obtain help and salvation. And this is how the world will get its unity back at the era of final deliverance – and the West, Islam and Israel who got through History often fighting each other, will find back this unity that will allow the several civilizations, religions and populations, to really begin to build the world.
How will this happen ? This belongs to a pack of secrets that we will begin to understand only when the deliverance will really begin, or rather (as it already began!) when it will appear clearly before our eyes.
Whatever the way it will happen, thanks to this teaching we can already notice and understand that our current generation is living all the codes now unveiled in this lesson, that were hidden in this Parasha.
May The Master of the world help us to attend the deliverance process until its apogee – amen ve’hen ye ratson.
And to all ones, gentlemen and ladies, a very very good week end.
Réponse à SISCO: Bleu, blanc, rouge, sont les couleurs du Roi David. Bleu: la Royauté; rouge, le Courage. L’univers entier le reconnait.
Deux valeurs positives, qui font que David aurait pu être le Machia’h. Mais David a failli dans l’histoire d’Uri. Il a perdu la couleur blanche,
qui est la couleur de l’Intégrité, de la pureté comportementale. Cela devint un argument négatif,
et c’est ça qui le fit tomber. C’est pourquoi il ne fut pas le Machia’h.
Pour être le Machia’h, il faut les neuf couleurs. « Je ne veux pas d’un Messie au rabais, dit l’Eternel ».
Ha, mais les voilà mes petites bougies de la ‘hanoukkia. Je pensais qu’elle avaient disparues à cause de l’explosion
de mon Packard-Bell, et elles sont là ; je les ai retrouvées sur le site du rav Dynovisz. Grâce à lui, elle ont continué de brûler
par un petit fichier jpg, dans les circonvolutions d’internet.
Elles sont pas mortes : la bonne nouvelle de la journée, je les ai récupérées.
Et la Royauté, et l’Intégrité, et la Sagesse, et la Ténacité, et l’Humilité, et la Pudeur, et la Science, et l’Autorité, et le Courage.
Elles sont toutes là. Il ne s’en est perdu aucune.
Chalom Cher Rav Voici une explication de l antisemitisme chretien ce que les chretiens véhiculent contre les juifs. Il est utile de savoir pour bien comprendre / Ce DOCUMENTAIRE choquera tout “chrétien” qui s’est judaïsé et embrassé les traditions juives kol tov rivka
Shalom à tous !
Cher Rav,
L’allégorie que vous utilisez pour faire admettre que les Sages d’Israël détiennent des secrets dans la compréhension de la Torah qui sont source de vie et qui ne sont réservés qu’aux Juifs connaissant l’hébreu est osée mais juste je crois. D’où, dites-vous , l’intérêt que suscite à nouveau cette connaissance parmi les non-juifs dit chrétiens qui font un retour à la Torah dont on les a privés pendant des siècles, afin de retrouver vigueur et guérison. Il y a dans l’évangile de Matthieu, une histoire parabolique qui raconte qu’une femme non juive (cananéenne) insiste auprès de Yeshoua pour obtenir la délivrance de sa fille possédée. Yeshoua la repousse en lui disant : « Ne savez-vous pas que je suis venue pour les brebis perdues de la Maison d’Israël ? » et la sermonne en lui disant « Il n’est pas bien de prendre le pain des enfants pour le donner aux petits chiens ». La femme insiste et réplique « Oui Seigneur mais les petits chiens mangent les miettes qui tombent de la table de leurs maîtres ».
Cette histoire au premier degré sans doute (le pchat) a aussi une interprétation au niveau du remetz.
Autrement dit, j’affirme : « ceux qui ne sont pas Juifs, élevés dans la culture juive, connaissant l’hébreu pas seulement au niveau de la lettre mais aussi de l’esprit » n’ont globalement QUE les miettes de la compréhension des mystères cachés de la Torah. Refuser de l’admettre est à la racine de l’antisémitisme par la jalousie que cette prise de position suscite. » C’est un fait : il y a une élection, une alliance d’Achem faite d’abord avec un homme, Abraham (Genèse 17:1-27), puis sans cesse renouvelée en passant par David (Psaume 89 :1-19) et Jacob (Genèse 35:12) pour aboutir à toute la Nation d’Israël. Alliances plusieurs fois rompues par Israël mais non brisées par Achem.
ET mon propos est de dire que, si plusieurs chrétiens sont poussés à revenir vers la Torah, c’est parce que, quelque part, ils ont quelque chose à voir avec une des 10 tribus perdues, provoquées par le schisme à la mort de Salomon. C’est une promesse d’Achem de les ramener pour reconstituer toute la Maison d’Israël (f. Ezechiel 37, Amos, Jérémie, etc.
Maintenant, revenir à la Torah, ne signifie pas nécessairement embrasser le Judaïsme orthodoxe ou une de ses branches, qui place la Torah orale des rabbins au même niveau que la Torah de Moshé et refuse par aileurs de prendre en considération la portée de la mission et du message de Yeshoua, venu il est vrai la première fois, non pas en tant que fils de David (donc le Machiah) mais en tant que Fils de Joseph (ben Yosef), ce qu’il était d’ailleurs physiquement. Le grand malentendu vient aussi de là. Un chrétien qui revient à la Torah a pour obligation de respecter les ordonnances décrites dans Lévitiques 23 au sujet du Chabbat et des Fêtes de l’Eternel (qui ne sont devenues les fêtes juives que parce que tous les autres les ont abandonnées).
J’ai écouté par ailleurs la vidéo signalée : c’est un tissu d’horreurs, de mensonges, d’ignorances et de déformations des écrits de Paul à qui, décidément, on aura fait dire toute chose et son contraire.
Pourtant le rabbin Paul n’a jamais renié ses origines juives.
Bonjour! Cher Rav
Je ne trouve décidément plus les mots pour exprimer toute ma reconnaissance à Hachem tellement à la fois la simplicité et la profondeur de vos cours est à en couper le souffle..!Enfin les véritables clés de compréhension!!!…Ceci_dit , trois versets me remontent : « … Les nations se tourneront vers lui. » (Isaïe 11:10)
« En ces jours-là, dix hommes de toute langue, de toute nation, saisiront le pan de l’habit d’un seul individu juif en disant : Nous voulons aller avec vous car nous avons entendu dire que Dieu est avec vous ! » (Zacharie 8:23).
« Je gratifierai les peuples d’un idiome épuré, pour que tous invoquent le nom de l’Éternel et l’adorent d’un cœur unanime. » (Sophonie 3:9).
Et encore MERCI! pour vôtre MERITE et ceux de vos élèves dont le nombre ne cesse d’augmenter !
Les grands maîtres disent: « Laisse nous accueillir notre juste Messie ». Tous se mettent à dire:
« le Messie sera juste ». Mais non, c’est pas ça que ça veut dire. Juste ne s’accorde pas avec Machia’h
dans la phrase, même si l’on sait que l’Eternel ne va quand même pas nous faire le coup
de nous envoyer un Messie au rabais. C’est pas ça que ça veut dire. Juste, se rapporte à Hachem.
Cela veut dire, que, dans sa justice infinie, le bon Dieu va dire: « Il est juste que je choisisse celui-là,
parce que c’est lui que j’ai vu parmi les fils de mon peuple ». Juste est qualificatif de choix.
Pas qualificatif de Machia’h. Même s’il est clair que le Machia’h sera « un juste parmi les justes ».
Bleu pour Israël
blanc pour ishmael (le monde musulman)
rouge pour edom ( le monde occidental)
bleu blanc rouge…. la france est toujours là!!!
confirmé par le prophète Ovadia
Shalom, bien vu ! Et la toumah = le tout moi ?!
Et les jeux de mots avec la langue de Voltaire ne manquent pas : La toumah = le « tout moi » ?
TAZRIA 2, April 26 2017.
We are today on Nissan 30, April 26, and we continue the course begun yesterday.
As said right before, the Parasha (weekly reading) mainly speaks of two subjects that look unrelated to each other.
Yesterday’s subject was « tumma » that a woman giving birth contracts. The question was obvious to ask how you can get into a problematic difficult situation by giving life ? Namely « impurity » (see yesterday’s lesson), that recalls a problem anyway, as we explained, impurity is an inaccurate translation of the real sense of tumma – indeed a stoppering, a blocking, an enclosure, problems, deregulation, psychologic and psychic.
The question was therefore « how can someone giving life get into a problematic situation ? »
The answer was that, as all lives are affected by this issue with selfishness, with being enclosed in onself, with this disconnexion from the real divine project (building the world), so that finally all ones become prisoners of their own personal interests, of their ego’s, of what is good to them and them only (obviously according to their own definition of what is good and what is not). This is the reason why, each time that a mother gives birth to a child, she increases the world’s problem in a way, as this is a selfish man more, a profitter more, a new problem in the world!
Of course all nuances are still possible, from the most selfish monster to the most refined and generous – however, the Torah gives us the great message that, until the final deliverance, each creature is, whatever the way, enclosed inside a « klippa » (« bark »), that is the cult of ego.
Of course you have to watch and understand yesterday’s course well so as to understand what was already explained in a more detailed way.
After this point, the most important part of the Parasha (about nine tenths) seems to skip to a completely different subject that is the « Sara’at »!
So, as each year, I will remind the subject – as within one year many new pupils engrafted themselves to the site, who didn’t have any opportunity to listen to last year’s lesson, or last years’es lessons.
Here too, a technical precision is required, unfortunately obliging to repeat these same notions. Here again we are facing a « translation », forgery that completely falsifies and even destroys the meaning of the text – as in most languages « metsorah » is translated as « leper ». We explain, according to the translation, that all points we will read in the Parasha, that all these problems of skin, of skin de-coloring symptoms, are namely leper – and modern medicine cures leper like any other disease, with medicine’s tools and ways, so that people won’t visit any priest for this.
But here comes the Torah telling that someone having « leper » will have to visit the Cohen to obtain the cure and step through a completely metaphysical process without relation to any physical disease we know today.
Of course, by translating « tsara’a » as « leper », the text becomes a surrealistic chimera that discredits completely the Torah. But the problem is not in the Torah, just in the translation. Indeed tsara’a is absolutely not leper nor any disease in the medical sense : it is something really metaphysical and supernatural without relation to any concrete and precise physical problem that medicine could explain, monitor and cure. It is indeed a loss of color of the skin that causes no physical issue : no fever nor pain, you feel exactly the same as other people who don’t have this loss of color of the skin.
Facing this problem that the Torah immediately describes as the revealer of a far deeper issue, more metaphysical, spiritual and moral than physical, automatically the process to obtain recovering won’t be to visit the doctor, but the Cohen!
Not the one who knows and cures the body, but the ones who knows and cures the soul.
This is simple to understand as soon as you have caught that the problem is not physical.
This allows you to figure out another process than hospital and chemicals : rather a metaphysical process instead. This is the first common point with the beginning of the reading that spoke of the tumma of a woman giving birth) in the whole Parasha. It is the same here. This is a loss of skin colors, that can be as small as the circle you can make with your thumb and index, that moves to white instead of natural pink or red tendency : skin gets its color because of the blood that flows under it, and at the place where the tsara’a is, things get as if blood had stopped flowing under this mark.
(You can notice that a very old person can get white too, as the blood circulation is so different from younger ages, when you still have full vitality and strengths : this is why the period of having a colorful skin corresponds esssentially to youth and strong adult’s age. As years go by and the person gets weaker and immobilizes himself, he gets always whiter, signing the absence of blood vitality that gives precisely this strength, youth and energy).
So this can happen to anyone at full strength age : 20, 30, 25… All of a sudden, at a place of the body, this mark appears as if it warned about a blood issue there – once again a spiritual blood issue, as physically speaking, they won’t feel any physical change.
So, if the Torah didn’t say a word about this, they would say « Hey, what a funny small white stain I have… Okay never mind ». They would possibly scratch a bit with soap, even ask for an advice, and noticing that it won’t get off, they would live with this without any problem as this won’t diminish anyone.
But the Torah immediately explains that the white stain is a sign that brings out a blood problem, that is the cause of the stain, and that it is meant to warn you about an issue you have in your blood, your vitality. The problem is not physical once again, but metaphysical, spiritual, moral, in conformity to the course begun yesterday.
This is why the effect of this loss of color isn’t related to fever nor to any weakening but to some tumma!
It proves your situation of a « tamei » man, enclosed in a « klippa », a bark that encloses you inside of yourself, creating stoppers and blockings that disconnect, that cut you, from the oustide world : a withdrawal inside of yourself up to the moment when there is nothing else left than « You and you and you » alone.
The result, as Torah bring it out, is that until this moral, spiritual and metaphysical illness gets cured through the effects of the relation with the Cohen, the person will have to live alone, isolated – maybe the points about « skin » and « isolation » led the translaters to interpret the word as « leper ».
This isolation is without relation to contamination nor epidemy : it just underscores the fact that you are a man living alone inside of yourself, just caring about yourself only, and this is a way to translate your current state by obliging you to get away from the world, away from the community, to show clearly your psychological situation, as even when you were living in your home, in your town, indeed you were living all alone really. We talked of this yesterday, here comes again the comparison with this family at the restaurant, each one with their mobile phones, Facebook, my thousands of « friends », living in an unimaginable loneliness! Not because you live among a community that you necessarily are a person who communicates, a social man, who has exchanges, who gives and receives. You can be fundamentally alone even living in the semblance of a communal life. Precisely, when these stains appear, it is like something wants man to get aware of his real situation, as he is fundamentally alone and lives fundamentally for himself, and we isolate him to help him realize this.
So, to sum up this point, that is just the preparation to the lesson, indeed this so-called metsora, is just a man whom The Master of the world wants to save. As we already said yesterday, the very nature and essence of man in this world is to be tamei, to live inside himself and just care for himself, and as soon as this self-caring gets exagerated when the only thing left is « Me and me and me », then the mental state is called « tumma » by the Torah.
Each creature in the essence of its nature cares about itself – nothing more.
A man, still caring about himself, who would watch the world around with sincere authentic eyes, wouldn’t be considered tamei by the Torah ; but when a man lives only for himself and uses the world around only to serve his interests, then he is called so by the Torah. This state is how the world, civilizations and History, all populations and nations, are living since the world’s creation, in an overwhelming majority. And every eon of time, comes a single man who is not tamei, sincerely caring about the world, who sincerely acts for it – without any idea of personal interest, of personal earning, of glory nor personal success.
So the world is in a state of tumma, and when the Torah speaks of white stains and isolation, it explains how to save man from this situation. Because as long as the stains don’t appear and you don’t force him to dwell isolated, the man is in this tumma state but unaware of it. As we know well, in an asylum for madmen, no one thinks he is mad, as there are only people like himself. This abolishes normal landmarks to help him finding anything different and to know where he is. In a world where tumma’s selfishness is the norm, in a life lived for oneself, why should I get different from the others ? In other words, as long as these stains don’t appear and that the curing process does not start, there is no way for anyone to figure out in what state the world is currently.
So this is the point of this second and longest part of the Parasha. In a simple language full of imagery, we can see a simple man who has white stains visiting a Cohen, asks for a solution, the Cohen asks him to isolate, he will check his skin one week later… You can read the verses, but anyway I give you the key to understand these : the Torah is explaining the whole world’s healing process!
This is why our professors even tell that this Parasha contains all the process that will lead to the final deliverance. Our professors call this parsha « Tazria » : « the Parasha of final deliverance »!
So, in a way and as I often explain, if you read the parasha without the keys, you will find it unpleasant, as it speaks of things that bore us really, that are not understandable, where there is no landmark and that proposes no possible comparison to any situation of today. And as I often remind, precisely the biblical chapters the least interesting, the most difficult to catch, the most metaphysical, are indeed the ones that concern our actuality and our reality, our present, our future and destiny the most. But the message is coded so much, that without key you will never bring it out.
Our professors teach that this Parasha contains all the secrets of human History until the final deliverance. The first part speaks of human History with the tumma, the being enclosed in oneself, and the second part speaks in an extremely hidden way of the whole process that leads to the final deliverance.
Of course we will try to decypher the essential, keeping in mind that years of study couldn’t be enough time to really reach, even at some distance, the notions hidden in these verses.
One of the really interesting points, is that our professors, in a text of the Talmud, explain us that by asking a question that sounds inapprehensible : « Where is the mashia’h ? » – they say : « At Rome’s doors, in the middle of a group of metzora’im ». (For the anecdote, the unimaginable word of this christian explanation that tells us that the mashia’h is « in the middle of lepers »… As of course the first x-tians took this text, they misunderstood it, mistranslated, confused « metsora » with « leper », and from this came the legend of x-sus among the lepers! To a Jew who can read Hebrew, this sounds so grotesque that it makes you feel pity for them and their ignorance).
So, what our professors mean ? As the text anyway exists, and that it is all but about lepers, as a metsora is not a leper… They mean that the mashia’h’s worry is to free the world from this prison where it enclosed itself : the cult of ego. Why do our professors say that the mashia’h is among a group of metzoraim at Rome’s doors ? More than two thousands years ago, this was the early beginning of the Roman Empire that would one day found the western civilization. Our professors had already seen all that would happen, were already able to define the Roman civilization and all that would come out of it as being the very symbol of the cult of ego, of the civilization whose final goal is the cult of ego.
It is tempting to reply that here is the nature of mankind anyway and that all civilization were like this one, as I also told yesterday. But as I also specified, it depends on the level : from the bottom to the top. The civilization that deserves the palm of the cult of ego and enclosure in oneself, is the western civilization born from the Roman one.
The proof : you would never have imagined 50 years before, or 60, and no need to say, 200 years, and even more so if you are from another civilization, that one day, a family could gather around a table without anyone speaking to the other, each one in their own world, even not remembering that they’re sitting just beside their father, mother, wife or children. As today, when, in a same family, each one gets in their own corner, having their private television in each bedroom, even in the toilets if « needed », and if they are in the same room, each one with their own mobile phone or computer, their own Facebook and its « virtual friends », where man got more isolated than ever in any other civilization, lonely, and happy in this loneliness : don’t disturb, I’m am on my phone.
Of course the world was always selfish – but the world yet hadn’t developped the tools required to express in the most despicable way this selfishness that is in man. But today’s technological progress allowed man to make all this potential of selfishness gush forth, by creating a world where each and everyone is alone and no one seeks any authentic contact or dialog with the other, as all ones feel fundamentally happy to be alone, as « how could you be happier than alone in front of a screen ? »
Our professors had already understood two thousands years before, that Rome would be the civilization that would push the cult of the ego to the extreme.
In another text (older than two thousands years too), they reveal that when Yaakov had his dream with the ladder, he saw all civilizations get up and up, then down again – except the Roman civilization, that got up and never got down, that frightened him. The Master of the world reassured him : « Don’t worry : I will make it get down myself ». How to understand this text ? All civilizations reached a certain level in the cult of evil, but still at a level you can reach, understand and define, then it gets down : it is still in the domain of the human understanding. But the Roman civilization would reach such a level in evil, that escapes completely to any understanding, so much that Yaakov cannot see it get down : how high will it get up ? How high can you go ? Only The Master of the world can break down this civilization, as the cult of ego will reach unimaginable levels.
This understanding human History predicted by Israeli professors about two thousand and two hundred years ago, as Rome was indeed like a newborn baby, has let them give us the definition of Rome : a group of metzoraim at Rome’s doors. This civilization is the champion of producing the tzara’at, this loss of color of the skin that brings out the cult of ego. And all the job of the mashia’h will be to be inside of this world and to cure it.
But anyway, let us come back to the point I began to explain : the emergence of white stains, and the beginning of the isolation process featuring a contact with the Cohen, are all positive signs proving that a healing process has begun.
This is what our professors tell in another way when they say that the mashia’h is « in the middle » of the lepers’es group : the repairer is there ! (Of course, not lepers litterally but metsoraim as I explained).
The worst that could happen, would be to be tamei and not to be aware!
I often tell this story reported by Rabbi Na’hman of Breslev, so once again… of this king who calls his confidant and tells him they have to write on their foreheads « I am mad ». The confidant asks why, and the king replies that he made a dream (and all his dreams came true), where all ones would get crazy. He adds « But I want us to write on our foreheads « I am mad ». » The advisor asks confirmation if all ones will really get mad, including both of them. As the king confirms, the man gets even more stunned about the need to write this on their foreheads, as anyway they would be mad. The king replies that there is a huge difference, as when they would look at each other, they would remember that they are mad, as the others won’t know about their own state. As long as they would know about their madness, they could keep some hope to come back to normality. As when a madman thinks he is normal, how could he ever begin any healing process ?
So once again, the worst would be a world without the signs of the tsara’at, as this loss of color of the skin can bring out my problem, leading me to seek a Cohen to cure my soul as I am aware. If not, I am dead.
So the Torah here teaches us that one day will come in the History of Rome, of the western civilization, when sudden white stains will appear, that will make the western civilization get aware of its isolation, and of its disconnection from the world and its sense. When this will appear, they will accept to consult a Cohen for healing, and this is how they will get cured.
This text therefore alludes to Rome’s tikun (« reparation »), ‘Esav’s tikun : the return of the western civilization to The real G’od.
And who is the Cohen ? Obviously Israel! As we know, Israel is called « a nation of Cohanim » : « ve atem tiyu mamlekhet cohanim » (« you will be for Me a nation of cohanim »).
As the Cohen is Israel, and the man with the stains who accepts his problem and gets to the Cohen is the western culture, and all the healing process is the final deliverance. This is therefore a fabulous and extraordinary text : absolutely incredible!
Of course, there is a nuance to add that is fundamental. When I say that the Cohen who heals is Israel, I don’t speak at all of today’s Israel, as Israel as we can see it right now is as ill as any other one.
As western civilization penetrated and infiltrated completely and spread into the nation of Israel and the Jewish people, it is obvious that there is now as many ill men than anywhere else! When we speak of the Cohen who will heal, we speak of those only ones among the Jewish people, who have become Cohanim able to save the world as they have the Torah – the real one. And they will begin with saving their own people, that is extremely ill in a so logical way after two thousands years of exile, of confrontation, and relations with Rome and the western world! You won’t get into water and stay dry, nor approach a source of heat and not feel any heat : you cannot live for two thousand years beside Rome and not to be ill like Rome.
The difference between Rome and Israel being that Rome does not have the Torah, and has therefore no possibility to cure itself.
Israel has the Torah, and has Cohanim within, that is men able to save the world. And before the final deliverance, and during all its process, always more non-Jews, western people, almost exclusively x-istians, will realize that Israel features Cohanim (in the deep sense of the word) and will go to them so as to be helped in their attempt to make it out. And the Cohanim of the Jewish people will open themselves, turn themselves towards the whole mankind and cure it. They will begin the job, and the one who will finish it is the mashia’h, by definition.
Now you can see how this text, once you know how to read it, predicted things that our generation can see happening, as we know, by thousands, even tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands and even millions already today, everywhere in the world, some sons and daughters of the West, are turning their heads to Israel’s Cohanim and beginning the healing process with them.
We are therefore facing something really incredible, but a question is still pending : in History and actuality, what is this loss of color of the skin ? As this is a metaphor, an image in the biblical text, but we now have to translate this metaphoric image into the historical and actual dynamic. What is this whiteness which, in a way, is the sign of the problem ? As the whiteness, once again, is not the cause that creates the problem : it just highlights it! Since as long as this whiteness stays hidden, you cannot realize your illness and consult a Cohen! You would keep on your western life, your « Métro-Boulot-Dodo » (working week routine), your mass on Sunday mornings, your trifecta on Sunday afternoons, your working six days a week : Métro-Boulot-Dodo! And if you speak of a Cohen, you will reply : « What ? Yids ? We know them! »
But the one who will see this white stain, will understand that finally the « Yid » is the only one who will save him and the world.
So, what is this white stain in History ? It alludes to a loss of vitality, of energy, that our professors explain since centuries in extremely ancient texts : why is there a stain on this spot in particular ? The white loss of color of the skin is there to make you understand that the blood has difficulties to flow there, it makes it differently, after having lost its real vitality, leading the skin to whiten.
So, what is the concrete meaning ? At a very simple level, that concerns the waking up of the West as well as of each man, Jew or not in daily life… You realize that you are badly engaged on a wrong way only with an unpredicted event that shakes and shocks you, that makes you collapse and allows you this way to think back and ask yourself where you are. But as long as the machine works correctly and does not lock, who will figure out that there can be any problem ?
The halt of this dynamic allows you to ask yourself questions. Translation is therefore very simple : as soon as the western civilization will begin to lose some of its vitality, energy, forces, certainty, and pride, always more men and women will wake up and ask where they are going!
The same way, as soon as the western civilization will begin to collapse and that the first signs of its disappearance will emerge, when it will lose its « blood », in the sense of vitality, and also alas in the real sense (wars, destructions, poured blood with the first and the second world wars), then only the western world will realize for the first time of its History, that salvation comes from the Jews.
My friends, I feel so emotioned as I simply translate texts dated of milleniums ago but as I am with you, at the same time, witness of the veracity of these texts – since until World War II, the apogee of hate and disdain, of the absolute denial (we are now a few days after Yom HaShoah), of refusing totally the idea of a possible spark of good among the Jews, concluding two thousand years of hate with the crematory ovens. And precisely when you reach the apogee of hate, immediately Israel gets born! The world discovers with stupefaction that Jews are all but what people believed, that they are able within a few years to make a real earthly paradise spout from a desert, brilliant in all fields, beginning to export sciences, patents, technologies in all fields, a people coming back to its identity like no other one anywhere on Earth, And chiefly : the waking up of nations in all languages! English, Spanish, French (and about French I am among the witnesses)…
Thousands of people… tens, hundreds of thousands of people, not only that they are not Jews, but many x-tians, catholics, protestants, evangelists, who supplicate professors of Israel to teach them the Torah. This is the message hidden in the Parasha since milleniums!
And why in our time precisely ? Because the West lost so much blood already (WW I & II and all wars that happened before, and fear of a third world war that would be the very last one as there wouldn’t be any world after it…). The western world is realizing that its ideology finally led it and the whole mankind to the edge of the abyss. And this losing skin color means that the West is realizing how all those energies it used to own led it to this edge of the abyss and of disappearance. The western world is now vanishing, and those among this world who are fair and sincere enough to recognize their mistake finally understand that the population the most contempted and destroyed by the western and x-tian world ever is precisely the one able to save it. And this is what we are living today! This is the sense of the loss of color of the skin.
When the western world will get aware that it is reaching its end, then more and more men and women of x-tian origin will turn their faces to Israel’s Cohanim. Just stunning!
There is another explanation, I will finish with this one. It completes the first one, but with a modern and historical envelop even more concrete.
There are two symbolic colors in the Torah that are related to two types of biblical figures and civilizations at the same time. The red and the white.
The red as we know is ‘Esav’s color (according to the biblical models and codes founders of the western civilization : he was born « admoni » (red-haired). The red is, according to Biblical codes, the color of the West.
The white – according to our profesors – is the color of Yishmael : the color of islam.
Among biblical figures, the white is related to Lavan : he was called « the white ». « Lavan » being the coded name of a character who, according to our professors, will become the precursor of islam. Of course I should give a huge amount of hours to teach what hides behind these colorful codes : « white, red, Lavan, ‘Esav »… For now we don’t have the time so I just share with you the results, our professors’es conclusions : the white alludes to Yishmael, islam, and red to ‘Esav, the West.
And now please watch the wonder of this explanation : when a body colored with a red tint as the blood flows there, haswhite stains appearing all of a sudden, then the West will wake up and find the Cohanim to be saved. When the West will be infiltrated and invaded by a new civilization that has strictly no intention to become western and x-tian, but that has the firm and determined intention to make a new islam out of the West, and the West will feel the imminence of its end as it cannot step backwards anymore and millions and millions of muslims (including a huge part who intends to tranform the West into a new islam) will result in multiple white stains everywhere on its body, then hundreds of thousands of western men and women will turn their face to Cohanim and Israel to obtain help and salvation. And this is how the world will get its unity back at the era of final deliverance – and the West, Islam and Israel who got through History often fighting each other, will find back this unity that will allow the several civilizations, religions and populations, to really begin to build the world.
How will this happen ? This belongs to a pack of secrets that we will begin to understand only when the deliverance will really begin, or rather (as it already began!) when it will appear clearly before our eyes.
Whatever the way it will happen, thanks to this teaching we can already notice and understand that our current generation is living all the codes now unveiled in this lesson, that were hidden in this Parasha.
May The Master of the world help us to attend the deliverance process until its apogee – amen ve’hen ye ratson.
And to all ones, gentlemen and ladies, a very very good week end.
Réponse à SISCO: Bleu, blanc, rouge, sont les couleurs du Roi David. Bleu: la Royauté; rouge, le Courage. L’univers entier le reconnait.
Deux valeurs positives, qui font que David aurait pu être le Machia’h. Mais David a failli dans l’histoire d’Uri. Il a perdu la couleur blanche,
qui est la couleur de l’Intégrité, de la pureté comportementale. Cela devint un argument négatif,
et c’est ça qui le fit tomber. C’est pourquoi il ne fut pas le Machia’h.
Pour être le Machia’h, il faut les neuf couleurs. « Je ne veux pas d’un Messie au rabais, dit l’Eternel ».
Ha, mais les voilà mes petites bougies de la ‘hanoukkia. Je pensais qu’elle avaient disparues à cause de l’explosion
de mon Packard-Bell, et elles sont là ; je les ai retrouvées sur le site du rav Dynovisz. Grâce à lui, elle ont continué de brûler
par un petit fichier jpg, dans les circonvolutions d’internet.
Elles sont pas mortes : la bonne nouvelle de la journée, je les ai récupérées.
Et la Royauté, et l’Intégrité, et la Sagesse, et la Ténacité, et l’Humilité, et la Pudeur, et la Science, et l’Autorité, et le Courage.
Elles sont toutes là. Il ne s’en est perdu aucune.