Enfants de mon peuple, matrice de notre eternite -MERCI-

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The memory of their self-sacrifice and heroic deeds will never disappear from us. May their souls be bound in the Bond of Life with the souls of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and with the souls of the other heroes of Israel who are in the Garden of Eden. Amen.And with the help of G-d, the Lord of Israel´s campaigns, they brought about the revival of the nation and the state and the redemption of the land and the city of G-d.They were quicker than eagles and stronger than lions as they volunteered to assist the nation, and they saturated our holy land with their pure blood.

  1. Tres belle chanson! merci!

    Qui est ce musicien?

  2. Israel free from Nile to the Euphrates, Amen Sela.

  3. Beaucoup de noblesse dans les expressions des gens.

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